Jumat, 18 Januari 2013

Prayer of the Weak by Joseph Warren Watson

O God, if I had but the power,
I’d heal each heart that bleeds!
No lonely one should need a friend,
If thoughts were only deeds,
Shield those O God besides thy home hearth
Peace settles like a dove - Help those who at the altar’s foot
Have found the grave of love.

... Help those on whose young, clouded brows
I trace the hand of care,
And on whose fixed, far gazing eyes
I read the world "despair!"
Save those whose fevered, burning lips
Thirst for the goblet’s bane, And those who in their selfish pride
Exult in others’ pain!

The meteors of the moral sky -
Thou knowest well their needs,
Then keep them in the narrow path
That to Thy kingdom kneels!
Bring home the ones who know their sins,
And yet will not atone! Help those who journey through the world
Unloved, bereft, alone!

Pity those who o’er some crushing grief
In gloomy silence brood,
And her who by the midnight lamp
Toils for her children’s food.
Ah, me, how many weary hearts
Will welcome life’s door closed, O Jesus on thy ------ ----
Can any ---- -----

Save those who ---- the ---- — ----
Are foremost in the van!
And those who’ve sold their souls for power,
To rule their fellow man!
O Father take my sinful thoughts,
---- ---- ----- -------, Grant me the strengthening wine of grace,
And faith the Christian’s bread.

----- ----- Thy will be done"
And feel my gain in loss;
I shrink from 'neath Thy chastening rod,
I faint and drop my cross.
The tide of sin sweeps o’er my soul,
Earth’s vanities I seek! Now once again my greatest prayer,
Great God, sustain the weak!

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