Minggu, 29 Juni 2014

Laporan Hasil Penjualalan Roti

1.       Latar Belakang
Kami menjual makanan yang sudah tidak asing lagi di lidah masyarakat Indonesia yaitu roti. Roti yang kami buat memiliki varian rasa dari citarasa manis hingga asin. Kami menjual produk kami dengan berkeliling dari satu rumah ke rumah yang lain dan juga menitipkan produk kami kepada pedagang yang lain.
2.       Tujuan
Tujuan kami mencoba kegiatan berjualan karena kami ingin memiliki pengalaman dalam berwirausaha dan membuat kami menjadi pribadi yang mandiri dan bijak dalam menggunakan uang.
3.       Pelaksanaan Kegiatan
Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam waktu 1 minggu yaitu:
Waktu:  Rabu (18 juni 2014), Jumat  ( 20 juni 2014 ),  dan Kamis ( 26 juni 2014 )
Tempat : Berkeliling dari satu rumah ke rumah dan menitipkan produk kami di pedagang yang lain.
1.       Proses produksi
Kami membuat roti kami sehari sebelum berdagang dan kami oven roti pada malam hari untuk dijual besok pagi.
Bahan Dasar:
·         Tepung terigu: 2 kg
·         Ragi : 40 gr
·         Garam: 30 gr
·         Gula : 50 gr
·         Air es : 600 ml
·         Susu cair : 1 L
·         Mentega :  600 gr
·         Telur : 7 butir
Bahan Pelengkap:
·         Abon sapi : 500 gr
·         Selai strawberry : 500 gr
·         Selai Coklat kacang : 500 gr
·         Selai bluberry : 500 gr
·         Selai nanas: 500 gr
·         Keju meleleh: 400 gr
·         Sosis : 20 buah
·         Saus cabai: 500 gr
·         Saus mayonese : 500 gr
·         Smoke beef: 20 buah
·         Ceres: 200 gr

2.       Pemasaran
Kami memasarkan produk kami dengan berkeliling rumah dan menawarkan roti kami ke sekolah taman kanak-kanak dan sekolah dasar.
3.       Penjualan
Kami menjual produk kami mulai dari harga Rp. 8.000/ per buah untuk roti manis dan Rp.10.000/per buah untuk roti asin
Kami menitipkan dagangan kami ke pedagang yang lain. Mereka akan mendapatkan keuntungan Rp.500/per buah roti yang berhasil di jual.
4.       Laporan keuangan
Modal : Rp. 600.000
Dana yang dikeluarkan : Rp. 532.000
Nama Produk
Roti isi abon sapi : Rp. 10.000
Roti isi hot smoke beef : Rp. 15.000
Roti isi sosis : Rp. 12.000
Roti isi strawberry : Rp. 8.000
Roti isi blueberry : Rp. 10.000
Roti isi coklat kacang : Rp. 10.000
Roti isi nanas : Rp. 8. 000

Hasil penjualan :
Rabu, 18-juni-2014
Roti isi abon sapi : Rp. 10.000 x 4 buah ( yang laku terjual dari 5 buah ) =               Rp. 40.000
Roti isi hot smoke beef : Rp. 15.000 x 6 buah ( semua terjual ) =                               Rp. 90.000
Roti isi sosis : Rp. 12.000 x 6 buah ( semua terjual ) =                                                  Rp. 72.000
Roti isi strawberry : Rp. 8.000 x 5 buah ( semua terjual ) =                                         Rp. 40.000
Roti isi blueberry : Rp. 10.000 x 5 buah ( semua terjual  ) =                                        Rp. 50.000
Roti isi coklat kacang : Rp. 10.000 x 6 buah ( semua terjual ) =                                  Rp. 60.000
Roti isi nanas : Rp. 8. 000 x 4 buah ( semua terjual ) =                                                 Rp. 32.000   +
                                                                                           Hari pertama jualan Total :  Rp. 384.000

Kerugian : 1 buah roti abon sapi tidak terjual : Rp.10.000
Bagi upah dengan pedagang yang lain: seorang pedagang berhasil menjual  12 buah roti x Rp. 500 = Rp.6.000
Keuntungan – Upah = Rp. 384.000 – Rp. 6.000 = Rp. 378.000
Jumat  ( 20 juni 2014)
Roti isi abon sapi : Rp. 10.000 x 4 buah ( semua terjual  ) =                                         Rp. 40.000
Roti isi hot smoke beef : Rp. 15.000 x 8 buah ( semua terjual ) =                               Rp. 120.000
Roti isi sosis : Rp. 12.000 x 6 buah ( semua terjual ) =                                                  Rp. 72.000
Roti isi strawberry : Rp. 8.000 x 6 buah ( semua terjual ) =                                         Rp. 48.000
Roti isi blueberry : Rp. 10.000 x 6 buah ( semua terjual  ) =                                        Rp. 60.000
Roti isi coklat kacang : Rp. 10.000 x 6 buah ( semua terjual ) =                                  Rp. 60.000
Roti isi nanas : Rp. 8. 000 x 2 buah ( yang laku terjual dari 4 buah  ) =                     Rp. 16.000   +
                                                                                                  Hari kedua  jualan Total :  Rp. 416.000

Kerugian : 2 buah roti nanas = Rp. 16.000
Pengeluaran : Beli tepung terigu 2 kg dan susu cair 1 L = Rp. 95.000
Bagi upah dengan pedagang yang lain: seorang pedagang berhasil menjual  12 buah roti x Rp. 500 = Rp.6.000
Keuntungan – pengeluaran – upah = Rp. 416.000 – Rp. 95.000 – Rp. 6.000 = Rp. 315.000
Kamis ( 26 juni 2014 )
Roti isi abon sapi : Rp. 10.000 x 4 buah ( semua terjual  ) =                                         Rp. 40.000
Roti isi hot smoke beef : Rp. 15.000 x 6 buah ( semua terjual ) =                               Rp. 90.000
Roti isi sosis : Rp. 12.000 x 6 buah ( semua terjual ) =                                                  Rp. 72.000
Roti isi strawberry : Rp. 8.000 x 6 buah ( semua terjual ) =                                         Rp. 48.000
Roti isi blueberry : Rp. 10.000 x 6 buah ( semua terjual  ) =                                        Rp. 60.000
Roti isi coklat kacang : Rp. 10.000 x 6 buah ( semua terjual ) =                                  Rp. 60.000
Roti isi nanas : Rp. 8. 000 x 4 buah ( semua terjual ) =                                                Rp. 32.000   +
                                                                                                  Hari ketiga  jualan Total :  Rp. 402.000

Pengeluaran : Beli tepung terigu 2 kg dan susu cair 1 L = Rp. 95.000
Bagi upah dengan pedagang yang lain: seorang pedagang berhasil menjual  12 buah roti x Rp. 500 = Rp.6.000
Keuntungan – pengeluaran – upah = Rp. 402.000 –Rp. 95.000 – Rp. 6.000 = Rp. 301.000
Total keuntungan :
Hari pertama : Rp. 378.000
Hari kedua : Rp. 315.000
Hari Ketiga : Rp. 301.000
---------------------------------------- +
Total :  Rp. 994.000
Bayar upah pembuat roti : Rp. 250.000
Rp. 994.000 – Rp. 250.000 = Rp. 744.000 ( Laba yang kami peroleh )

 Kelas : 2SA03

Selasa, 17 Juni 2014

Place and Movement, Prepotional phrases

Kelompok 4
Afifa Pusvita Sari
Denis Medina
Frilda Adiguna Bandi
Khairuinnisa Nasrul
Naviri Prilia Rahma
Novi Rahayu

Kelas : 2SA03

Preposition and adverbs
·         A preposition always has an object, but many prepositiions of place can be used as adverbs with no object.
What’s inside the box?    (preposition)
Shall we wait inside?       (adverb)

Other include: above, across, along, around, behind, below, beneath, by, in, inside, near, off, on, opposite, outside, round, through, under, underneath, up. This adverbs often combine with verbs.
Example: Come on!                Please sit down.

·         Some adverbs can’t be used as prepositionsn and do not have objects.
Brian lives abroad
The red car moved ahead

These verbs can often used with a prepsition and an object.
Example: The red car moved ahead of the blue one.

Prepositions of Place: at, in, on
In general, we use:
  • at for a POINT
  • in for an ENCLOSED SPACE
  • on for a SURFACE
at the corner
in the garden
on the wall
at the bus stop
in London
on the ceiling
at the door
in France
on the door
at the top of the page
in a box
on the cover
at the end of the road
in my pocket
on the floor
at the entrance
in my wallet
on the carpet
at the crossroads
in a building
on the menu
at the front desk
in a car
on a page
Look at these examples:
  • Jane is waiting for you at the bus stop.
  • The shop is at the end of the street.
  • My plane stopped at Dubai and Hanoi and arrived in Bangkok two hours late.
  • When will you arrive at the office?
  • Do you work in an office?
  • I have a meeting in New York.
  • Do you live in Japan?
  • Jupiter is in the Solar System.
  • The author's name is on the cover of the book.
  • There are no prices on this menu.
  • You are standing on my foot.
  • There was a "no smoking" sign on the wall.
  • I live on the 7th floor at 21 Oxford Street in London.
Notice the use of the prepositions of place at, in and on in these standard expressions:
at home
in a car
on a bus
at work
in a taxi
on a train
at school
in a helicopter
on a plane
at university
in a boat
on a ship
at college
in a lift (elevator)
on a bicycle, on a motorbike
at the top
in the newspaper
on a horse, on an elephant
at the bottom
in the sky
on the radio, on television
at the side
in a row
on the left, on the right
at reception
in Oxford Street
on the way

Prepositions of Movement

Prepositions are used to show movement to or from a place.
For example:-
to, through, across
We use to to show movement with the aim of a specific destination.
For example:-
I moved to Germany in 1998.
He's gone to the shops.
We use through to show movement from one side of an enclosed space to the other.    
For example:
The train went through the tunnel.
We use across to show movement from one side of a surface or line to another.
For example:
She swam across the river.
More prepositions of movement
She ran...

the road. (from one side to the other)

the road. (The length of the road.)

the playground.

away from
the policeman.

back to
the shop.

the hill.

the room.

the stage.

onto (on to)
the platform.

out of
the theatre.

the bridge. (from one side of an open space to the other)

the opening.

the track.

the tunnel.

the door.

the bus stop.

the shelter.

the hill.
At and in can also be used as prepositions of movement, but they're used to show the purpose of the movement.
For example:
I threw the paper in the bin.
Let's have dinner at my place.
When used after some verbs, the preposition at also shows the target of an action:
The bowler was sent off for throwing the ball at the umpire, instead of to the batsman.

Picture of Prepositions of Place

The Prepositional Phrases

At the minimum, a prepositional phrase will begin with a preposition and end with a noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause, the "object" of the preposition.
The object of the preposition will often have one or more modifiers to describe it. These are the patterns for a prepositional phrase:
preposition + noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause
preposition + modifier(s) + noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause
Here are some examples of the most basic prepositional phrase:
At home
At = preposition; home = noun.
In time
In = preposition; time = noun.
From Richie
From = preposition; Richie = noun.
With me
With = preposition; me = pronoun.
By singing
By = preposition; singing = gerund.
About what we need
About = preposition; what we need = noun clause.
Most prepositional phrases are longer, like these:
From my grandmother
From = preposition; my = modifier; grandmother = noun.
Under the warm blanket
Under = preposition; the, warm = modifiers; blanket = noun.
In the weedy, overgrown garden
In = preposition; the, weedy, overgrown = modifiers; garden = noun.
Along the busy, six-lane highway
Along = preposition; the, busy, six-lane = modifiers; highway = noun.
Without excessively worrying
Without = preposition; excessively = modifier; worrying = gerund.
Understand what prepositional phrases do in a sentence.
A prepositional phrase will function as an adjective or adverb. As an adjective, the prepositional phrase will answer the question Which one?
Read these examples:
The book on the bathroom floor is swollen from shower steam.
Which book? The one on the bathroom floor!
The sweet potatoes in the vegetable bin are green with mold.
Which sweet potatoes? The ones forgotten in the vegetable bin!
The note from Beverly confessed that she had eaten the leftover pizza.
Which note? The one from Beverly!
As an adverb, a prepositional phrase will answer questions such as How? When? or Where?
Freddy is stiff from yesterday's long football practice.
How did Freddy get stiff? From yesterday's long football practice!
Before class, Josh begged his friends for a pencil.
When did Josh do his begging? Before class!
Feeling brave, we tried the Dragon Breath Burritos at Tito's Taco Palace.
Where did we eat the spicy food? At Tito's Taco Palace!
Remember that a prepositional phrase will never contain the subject of a sentence.
Sometimes a noun within the prepositional phrase seems the logical subject of a verb. Don't fall for that trick! You will never find a subject in a prepositional phrase. Look at this example:
Neither of these cookbooks contains the recipe for Manhattan-style squid eyeball stew.
Cookbooks do indeed contain recipes. In this sentence, however, cookbooks is part of the prepositional phrase of these cookbooks. Neither—whatever a neither is—is the subject for the verb contains.
Neither is singular, so you need the singular form of the verb, contains. If you incorrectly identified cookbooks as the subject, you might write contain, the plural form, and thus commit a subject-verb agreement error.
Some prepositions—such as along with and in addition to—indicate "more to come." They will make you think that you have a plural subject when in fact you don't. Don't fall for that trick either! Read this example:
Tommy, along with the other students, breathed a sigh of relief when Mrs. Markham announced that she was postponing the due date for the research essay.
Logically, more than one student is happy with the news. But Tommy is the only subject of the verb breathed. His classmates count in the real world, but in the sentence, they don't matter, locked as they are in the prepositional phrase.