Minggu, 28 Desember 2014

The Place that I Really Wanna Visit is The United States of America

I love living in Metropolitan area or modern area. There are so many complete facilities. Every place seems closer. Minimarket/Supermarket, bookstore, cafe/restaurant, course places, station, halte, traditonal market, hospital, school, and object tourism are close to visiting. In Indonesia only some of cities that have complete facilties. Not all big cities have green area which has large area. For example Jakarta City. It has complete and luxury facilities but park or area green is too small. So the atmosphere of Jakarta feels so hot. I have a hope that big city in Indonesia has green area is big enough such as in New York City. Yeah I wanna visit some of cities in United States. That's one of my dreams. When I could go there, I wanna visit to New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Las Vegas. I would to explain why I wanna go to those cities.

New York.

Who doesn't ever heard New York? One of big cities in The USA. The city has modern and complete facilities and skycrapers in everywhere. I really want to visit Statue Liberty. It is icon from New York. If you love shopping, Fifth Avenue. It's road that luxury stores stand. They sells expensive goods. Start Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, Nike, Chanel, and many mores. If you have much money and want to spend out your money to buy expensive goods, Fiftth Avenue fits for you. This city has the biggest park. It is Central Park. It has 340 hectar area. There are conservation place, flora, fauna, beautiful park, lakes, etc. The next is Times Square. This is the busiest and congested place. There are many entertaiments. This area also called The Crossroads of the World because many walkers walk to this path everyday. Madame Tussauds Museum is in this area too.
In New York, I wanna visit American National History Museum. This museum used for "The Night at The Museum" movie. There's a statue of Abraham Lincoln. The 16th President of USA. He's my favorite figure. In this museum there are fossil, artifacts, primordial man, history of native american, etc.

Los Angeles

It's the centre of Hollywood. There are Universal Studios, Hollywood Walk of Fame (if you want to see signs from famous celebrities) in Hollywood Boulevard, Disneyland, Hollywood Sign in Mount Lee. Hollywood Sign is an icon from Los Angeles. The next is Santa Monica Pier. It is recreational and entertainment center featuring restaurants, retail establishments and amusement park. Madame Tussauds Hollywood shows statues of celebrity and also there's Los Angeles Zoo. There are many interesting places to visit in LA. This city must you visit when you fly to The USA.

Las Vegas

I won't do gamble in Vegas. I swear..! :D  This city famous in luxury entertaiments. Must be a rich person for can enjoy the holiday in Las Vegas. Everything is luxurious and expensive. Some of hotels in there are Bellagio, The Mirrage, The Venetian, etc. The cost of one night is more than US$100. This city not always identic with casino and clubbing. There is The Fremont Street Experience (FSE) is a pedestrian mall and attraction in downtown Las Vegas, Nevada. Then Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Circus Circus Las Vegas, Shark Reef at Mandala Bay, etc.


This city has many universities and museums. I have a dream to can study in the USA. One of them is in this city. This city has facilities to support to increasing the knowledge. Museums in this city are Field Museum Natural History, Museum of Science and Industry, Driehaus Museum and many mores. Chicago has the largest indoor aquarium in the world. It's is Shedd Aquarium. It has more than 8000 aquatic animals. In this city also has Navy Pier ( amusement park ), Lincoln Park Zoo, and Planetarium Adler.

* Wisata.kompasiana.com
* www.lasveggas.com
* www.ncygo.com\

Jumat, 14 November 2014

Tanoshii Ramen & Donburi

I really love culinary. That’s why I think the place is interesting for me yeah the restaurant. Hahahahha I know it’s weird. Why is the restaurant? Because when I visited the restaurant I can taste every food in every restaurant and see its decoration and also feel its service. I know which one the restaurant who gives bad or good service to customer. Actually not every day I have culinary because I’m still a college student. You know that student’s money is limited. Hahhaha… Usually I have culinary twice in a month. When I had long holiday, I’ll save my money first for two months before my long holiday’s starting.
I still have culinary in Depok and Cibubur area. I love almost all food especially Indonesian and Japanese food. Why I love Japanese food? Because almost Japanese food use seafood in its cuisine and I also love seafood. Sushi always be my favorite. Many Japanese restaurants in Depok, especially Margonda where serve delicious sushi but to find delicious ramen is difficult. Not all Japanese restaurants can serve delicious ramen. I always try every ramen in different restaurant and finally I found it! =D Maybe it’s the one and the only most delicious ramen in Margonda that I’ve ever tried. That restaurant is Tanoshii Ramen & Donburi.
It’s located not far from Holland Bakery and Warung SS. I found this restaurant from Zomato.com. If you look for a restaurant in your area, you can seek it in Zomato.com.  it will give you a complete information about the restaurant belong its menu and price. Tanoshii Ramen & Donburi restaurant doesn’t serve sushi. It is only serving ramen and bento. The price of ramen is average more than Rp.30k but the taste is so good. I asked Tanoshii Spicy Ramen. Its price is Rp.36k. it’s seafood ramen. There are half boiled egg, shrimp, octopus, crabstick, green mussel, seaweed, and vegetable in it. It’s complete enough, isn’t it? But for spicy lover like me this ramen is not hot enough. But don’t worry the steward will serve chili powder on your table. So you can add it as you want. 

When you enter to this restaurant, you’ll see the decoration is like real Japanese restaurant. The tables, the chairs, and the ornaments show that this is real Japanese restaurant. This is good for take a selfie. 

The drink is so fresh and nice taste. I asked lemon mocktail and green tea milkshake. Lemon mocktail is so fresh and so does the milikshake. Green tea ice cream in milkshake is so yummy and soft. I love that. I also asked ice cream. I tried strawberry ice cream. It’s a little bit expensive. Its price is Rp.12k but the ice cream is not much and it put in a little glass. But the taste of ice cream is so delicious and rich of milk. I have made plan to visit this restaurant again in December with my friends. I’m gonna to ask Salmon steak. I saw its price is Rp.40k. So if you are interested to visit this restaurant you must have minimum Rp.50k. By Rp.50k, you already can taste delicious ramen and fresh drink in this restaurant. Happy try it…! :D

Kamis, 13 November 2014

Teori Kepariwisataan

  Pengertian Pariwisata
Kata pariwisata berasal dari bahasa Sansekerta yaitu “Pari” yang artinya halus maksudnya mempunyai tata krama yang tinggi dan “Wisata” yang berarti kunjungan.  Jadi pariwisata adalah menyuguhkan suatu kunjungan secara bertata karma dan berbudi. (Syafie, 2009:15).
Jadi ilmu pariwisata adalah lmu yang mempelajari bagaimana suatu negara baik pemerintahnya menyuguhkan segala keperluan tamu -tamu mereka yang akan datang berkunjung melihat keindahan pemandangan alam, atau sejarah bangsa dan menikmati seni budaya bangsa tersebut secara bertata krama dan halus berbudi dalam arti agamis.
2.      Industri Pariwisata Menurut Para Ahli
Industri Pariwisata adalah salah satu jenis industri baru yang mampu mempercepat pertumbuhan ekonomi dan penyediaan lapangan kerja, peningkatan penghasilan, standar hidup serta menstimulasi sektor-sektor produktif lainnya. Selain itu, sebagai sektor yang kompleks, pariwisata juga merealisasi industri-industri pendukung seperti cinderamata, akomodasi dan transportasi.
Ada beberapa pengertian industri pariwisata menurut para ahli sebagai berikut:
a.      Industri Pariwisata adalah kumpulan dari macam-macam perusahaan yang secara bersama-sama menghasilkan produk barang dan jasa (goods and services) yang dibutuhkan para wisatawan pada khususnya dan traveler pada umumnya selama dalam melakukan perjalanannya. (Yoeti 1982: 140).
b.      Kusudianto (1996: 11), juga mengemukakan pendapatanya tentang pengertian Industri Pariwisata yang merupakan suatu susunan kegiatan dalam organisasi pemerintahan maupun swasta yang berfungsi untuk memasarkan hasil produk wisata bagi wisatawan.
c.       Damardjati, mendefinisikan Industri pariwisata adalah rangkuman dari berbagai macam yang secara bersama-sama menghasilakan produk-produk/ jasa-Jasa/layanan-layanan atau services, yang nantinya baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung akan dibutuhkan oleh wisatawan selama perlawatannya. (dalam Yoeti,1982: 141).

Dari ketiga teori tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa industri pariwisata bisa berkembang dengan pesat karena ada dukungan dan kerja sama dari pemerintah dan swasta dalam menyediakan barang-barang keperluan traveler serta menyediakan pelayanan yang memuaskan.

Sumber : repository.usu.ac.id

Senin, 27 Oktober 2014

Opini Tentang Sinetron Remaja Indonesia

Sinetron remaja ditayangkan memang untuk ditonton oleh kalangan remaja. Namun sangat disayangkan sinetron-sinetron tersebut minim akan edukasi dan nilai moral. Hal itu berbahaya jika dipraktekkan oleh para remaja dalam dunia sehari-hari. Yang membuat saya prihatin adalah banyak adegan bully, cinta-cintaan, dan cara berpakaian seragam yang tidak sesuai dengan aturan sebenarnya didalam sinetron.

Pernah tidak membayangkan akhir-akhir ini banyak kasus bullying beredar di Indonesia yang mungkin disebabkan oleh pengaruh tayangan teve? Coba tengok dan cari ada tidak sinetron remaja yang tidak menayangkan adegan bullying? Pasti tidak ada! Semua sinetron remaja pasti menayangkan adegan bullying bahkan ada adegan yang jelas-jelas memperlihatkan sekumpulan remaja melakukan perbuatan yang bisa melanggar hukum untuk mencelakai musuhnya. Itu sangat berbahaya jika ditiru oleh remaja-remaja Indonesia.

Di sinetron remaja juga terdapat adegan mesra-mesraan. Di sekolah jelas tidak boleh ada pelajarnya yang berpelukan atau bahkan sekedar cium kening dengan lawan jenis di lingkungan sekolah. Kenapa hal tersebut dihalalkan didalam sinetron remaja??? Adegan itu dilakukan saat masih di sekolah dan mengenakan seragam.

Seragam yang digunakan para bintang juga tidak patut untuk ditiru. Pakai rok sepaha, baju tidak dimasukkan, tidak memakai ikat pinggang, kaos kaki warna-warni, pakai aksesoris berlebihan, dan ke sekolah mengendarai kendaraan mewah. Sekolah gila mana yang mengijinkan muridnya memakai seragam yang tidak rapi, tidak lengkap atributnya, dan yang lebih parah lagi tinggi rok hanya sepaha? Itulah mengapa remaja Indonesia khususnya pelajar lebih merasa keren ketika datang ke sekolah menggunakan kendaraan pribadi dan betah mengenakan seragam yang tak rapi. Itu disebabkan oleh tayangan yang tidak mendidik yang ditonton oleh mereka.

Entah sang sutradara itu bodoh atau memang sengaja membuat bodoh remaja Indonesia dan merusak moral anak bangsa dengan sinetron-sinetron yang dibuatnya. Peran pengaruh orangtua sangat penting dalam hal ini. Beritahu mereka saat ada beberapa adegan yang tidak pantas ditiru. Mengingat masa remaja adalah masa pencarian jati diri sehingga mereka bisa saja termakan oleh tayangan-tayangan yang tidak mendidik di televisi.